Kaiser Permanente and the Alliance of Health Care Unions

Hank Q4-2017

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Past, Present and Future

portrait of Denice L. Washington

"I look at (partnership) as a marriage," says Denice L. Washington, an OPEIU Local 29 business representative who is the labor co-lead to the Northern California LMP Steering Committee. "You have to work at a marriage every day. Don’t take it for granted....There are hard conversations that have to happen, and you’ve got to have the ability to trust your partner and be open and receptive to ideas."
Visit the Humans of Partnership page for more 20th anniversary reflections. 

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Labor Management Partnership, Hank would like to call out the tens of thousands of individuals who have made partnership a success: the frontline workers, managers and physicians who have believed in our ideals and taken the time to build the positive working relationships that are the backbone of this groundbreaking endeavor.

Visit Humans of Partnership to read their stories—and look through their eyes into our past, our present and our future. 




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