Videos How to Be a Waste Walk Superhero September 26, 2017 Share Tweet Email Download Download MP4 Directions: Right-click on the Download MP4 link above (option-click on a Mac) and choose the “Save as…” command. Next steps: Get ideas on how you can use LMP videos in your meetings and trainings, plus information on handling zip files. (1:22) See how taking simple steps to reduce waste in your department can make you a superhero at Kaiser Permanente. Explore More How-To Guide: Do a Waste Walk Take a waste walk with your team. Waste Walk: 8 Types of Waste Banish waste from your work life. Waste Walk: Instructions Take a walk on the wasteful side—to curb those tendencies. Waste Walk: Observation Sheets The easiest solutions might be in front of you. 10 Essential Tips for Reducing Supply Waste Easy ways teams can eliminate waste. 6 Essential Tips on Rooting Out Waste Simple ways to reduce costs while maintaining high quality. 97 people found this helpful. Was it helpful to you? YesNo