Videos Find Your Unexpected Leader: Diana Menjivar, RN November 19, 2014 Share Tweet Email Download Download MP4 Directions: Right-click on the Download MP4 link above (option-click on a Mac) and choose the “Save as…” command. Next steps: Get ideas on how you can use LMP videos in your meetings and trainings, plus information on handling zip files. (1:28) A registered nurse talks about how she successfully led her team through the implementation of Nurse Knowledge Exchange Plus. More to Explore Find Your Unexpected Leader: Chris Mozingo, RN An RN who fears public speaking finds his voice as he leads peers. Find Your Unexpected Leader: Jesse Mangubat, RN An RN surprises himself by stepping up to lead his team. Icebreaker: Find Your Unexpected Leader Sometimes the best leaders aren't who you think they are. 71 people found this helpful. Was it helpful to you? YesNo