Kaiser Permanente and the Alliance of Health Care Unions

Hank Summer 2012

See the whole issue

From the Desk of Henrietta: What Do You Think?

You get to a certain age, and it’s time for a makeover. Surely you understand.

We heard you whispering. In fact, it inspired us to conduct a statistically valid survey to make sure what we’d overheard was a true reflection of what you thought. Some of it was a pleasant surprise—such praise! But you were blunt, too: Awkward size. Overly long articles. Not enough variety. And so on. 

So, here’s our equivalent of slimming down and building some muscle. (Amazing what walking a half-hour a day will do!) With our new ’do, you’ll find:

  • shorter articles and more of them
  • more tips and tools, information you and your unit-based team can put to immediate use
  • more coverage from all the regions
  • and some fun

While we’re on the subject of our virtues: Our paper is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, ensuring the use of responsible forest management methods that address social, economic and environmental issues.

Why does that matter? Well—working in partnership addresses profound social and economic issues, too. We hope you like our makeover because we want to serve you—the frontline workers, managers and physicians of Kaiser Permanente—well. Because what was achieved this spring in National Bargaining, the subject of this issue’s cover story, makes it clear what an extraordinary journey we are on together.

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